Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Hubby better than Yours

चतुर्: सखी मे भर्ता य्: लिखितम् तद् परो न् वाचयति।
तस्मात् अभ्यधिकोमे स्वयमपि लिखितम् स्वय्ं न् वाचयति॥

[One lady is saying to her friend]
My husband is very clever, what he writes nobody understands..
[The second lady answers]
My husband is even more clever, what he writes even he doesn't understand!

[Notes: These two ladies are boasting about their husbands' intelligence. I think this subhashitam is also suited for todays IT world. There are many s/w engineers amongst us who write code that nobody understands or sometimes not even themselves]